Rhinebeck Presents Dr. Mykee Fowlin

You Don't Know me Until you Know Me
by Performer and Presenter, Dr. Mykee Fowlin.
Rhinebeck welcomes back Dr. Fowlin, who was on campus last year to present to our 4th--6th graders. This virtual session is being presented for our parents/guardians and HS students.
Dr. Fowlin’s presentations combine both his professional acting talents and his psychological training. His mission is to create an atmosphere of worldwide inclusion.
He has worked extensively with all age groups in the United States and in other countries. His work has included peer mediation, diversity trainings, gender equity workshops, and violence prevention seminars.
He hopes that all audience members will leave his performance with that wonderful, awakening feeling of beauty: the beauty within one’s self and the beauty within others; the celebration of our differences, and the acceptance of our shared experiences.
Parents/Guardians and High School Students Rhinebeck Central School District are invited:
Thursday, October 13th
6:30 - 8:00 PM
Via Zoom, Passcode: 953 0322 2751