
Office of Technology

Greg Arent

Greg Arent | Director of Technology and Communication

 Shelby Hauptman, Griffin Hayes, Brendan O'Hara | Microcomputer Technicians 

Katherine Mustello | Secretary to the Director of Technology

"Effective integration of technology is achieved when students are able to select technology tools to help them obtain information in a timely manner, analyze and synthesize the information, and present it professionally. The technology should become an integral part of how the classroom functions -- as accessible as all other classroom tools."

National Educational Technology Standards for Students, International Society for Technology in Education


Technology Plan

The Rhinebeck Central School District meets the changing needs of our community with courageous programming consistent with State standards and mindful of best learning practices. Each student enjoys equality of access in an enriching environment allowing for mastery of skills and knowledge necessary to earn a high school diploma. We create and encourage opportunities for all graduates to become:

  • Self-directed learners, who use positive core values to create a positive vision for themselves and their future, set priorities, and achievable goals, create options for themselves, monitor and evaluate their progress, and assume responsibility for their actions.
  • Collaborative workers, who use effective leadership and group skills to develop and manage interpersonal relationships within culturally and organizationally diverse settings.
  • Complex thinkers, who identify, access, integrate, and use available resources and information to reason, make decisions, and solve complex problems in a variety of contexts.
  • Community contributors, who contribute their time, energies, and talents to improving the welfare of others and the quality of life in their diverse communities.
  • Quality producers, who create intellectual, artistic, practical, and physical products which reflect originality, high standards, and the use of appropriate advanced technologies.
  • Ethical decision-makers, who exemplify the principles of trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, integrity, fairness, caring and citizenship.

Cyber Security

Cybersecurity Resources for Students Staff and Parents

Cybersecurity Presentation Superintendent Conference Day 2019

Office 365

Rhinebeck Schools is proud to announce the new Microsoft Student Advantage Program to students and parents. This program provides free access to Office 365 Pro Plus for students enrolled in school districts that purchase enterprise-level licenses. Rhinebeck Schools meets this requirement!

Any student who is currently enrolled in the Rhinebeck School District is eligible and may download and install Office 365 Pro applications on up to 5 devices (PC, MAC, and/or mobile device).

For more information and instructions on how to download, visit the Students Page

Student Tech Info Families Tech

Responsible Use Policy

Please be sure to review the Responsible Use Policy (RUP) below:

RUP Cover Letter (English) 2024

RUP Cover Letter (Spanish) 2024

RUP (English) 2024

RUP (Spanish) 2024