
Water Test Results

  • The Rhinebeck Central School District is committed to protecting the health and welfare of the students you entrust to our care every day along with that of our staff and community members.

    On September 6, 2016, Governor Cuomo signed legislation requiring all school districts in New York State to test potable (drinkable) water systems for lead every five years and to take responsive actions, if needed. The action level was set at 15 ppb (parts per billion). In December 2022, this legislation was revised to testing every three years and the action level was lowered to 5 ppb (parts per billion).

    The school district was given protocols for sampling procedures, response time, reporting, public notification, and record keeping. In compliance with these requirements, all Rhinebeck Schools were sampled prior to deadline, taking place in June 2024. The water samples were sent to New York Environmental for analysis. Reports for each campus are found below. 


High School/Middle School Test Results 2024

Elementary School Test Results 2024