
October District Update

October 2022 District Update
Posted on 10/18/2022
BMS 6th Graders Assemble at the Start of the New Year

Dear Rhinebeck families, 

I hope that the start of the fall season has been safe and happy. We have been hard at work on our goals for the year and continue to prioritize high quality learning in a nurturing and inspiring environment. As I have shared in previous updates, we are steadfast in our commitment to continuous improvement system-wide.  Read below to get a glimpse into some of the work we have been doing to support our students and ways we are engaging with our broader community. 

Professional Learning


Last week during the conference day, our teaching faculty had the privilege of learning from David Levine, an accomplished author and educator. The central message from his work was the importance of relationships, summed up by a statement used throughout the day: “the relationship is the intervention.” This was a powerful and valuable message. As our students continue to grapple with the challenges of youth complicated by the pandemic, we recognize that relationships matter and students will flourish best when we meet their need for belonging, freedom, power, and fun. 

Across New York State educators have been continuing to rethink approaches to curriculum and assessment. A commission of educators, including representatives from Dutchess County are part of the task force who is looking at graduation requirements and assessments as part of proposals to the state education department. As changes occur impacting our students, communication and education will be provided to our families and to our students. 


School Openings


The school year opened successfully in all three of our buildings. Students have been engaging in extracurricular activities, and making the most of their time in and out of classes. In addition to documenting these opening weeks on our school social media, our school principals presented to the Board of Education highlighting the first few weeks of the school year and sharing some of their goals for the year. All Board meetings are open to the public and available via livestream. Each meeting is recorded and archived on our BoardDocs platform, linked under the Board of Education tab on the website. 

Community Based Connections

As part of an effort to establish meaningful connections with local and regional partners, the District has engaged with several organizations to supplement student learning. In September, our 6th and 9th grade students attended half-day sessions at Ramapo for Children to develop teamwork, leadership, and communication skills. This was developed to provide additional support to students as they transitioned to a new building. 

DORNAAlso, last week our students participated the first of several engagements with local moviehouse Upstate Films through a series of in-depth film-based discussions tied to the curriculum. 

Collaboration with our faculty and specialists in the community has taken place, or will take place very soon. This month we welcomed a local expert to support our students in a new Biomimicry elective at BMS and will have a local artist lead an Art in Nature experience for the 5th graders at CLS. 


To stay on top of what is happening across the district, follow our Twitter feed, and explore our Public Announcements community virtual bulletin board. We encourage our families to take advantage of what the schools and our community organizations have to offer. 

Over the course of the year, as part of our communication goals, we will employ a variety of strategies to provide spotlights on curriculum and instruction, share illustrations of student life and engagement through activities, and keep our students and families informed about upcoming events. 

Get Involved 


If you have not already done so, make it a point to join the Rhinebeck PTSO Email List by using this short and

simple GoogleForm: PTSO Email List.  The PTSO has been a tremendous advocate for students and have already supported, planned, and organized so many events for students K-12. Just this past weekend they led the charge in resurrecting a Homecoming bonfire and dance. They also organize the back-to-school welcome at the minipark, and make our field days fun and exciting for the students.  I strongly encourage all who wish to become involved with the schools to join and support the PTSO. Provide your email at the link above to learn more.


