
Kindergarten Registration Happening Now

Kindergarten Registration Happening Now
Posted on 02/17/2023

Chancellor Livingston Elementary School


Kindergarten Registration Happening Now (February 17th through March 30th)


Plans are already underway for the group of children who will enter Kindergarten in the Fall of 2023. If you have a child who will be five years old by December 1st, 2023 and resides in the Rhinebeck Central School District, please call Mary Ann Torres @ (845) 871-5500 ext. 6560 or e-mail at [email protected].

 The District will mail a registration packet to you in advance to minimize your appointment time or you can download the registration packet by going to the following link:

Information required to complete the registration process includes: one proof of residency (most recent tax bill, lease, etc.); student’s birth certificate or passport; parent’s driver’s license or other proof of identity; immunization record; and custody documents (if applicable).


Once you have collected all requested materials and completed the forms, please contact Ms. Torres for an appointment to commence the registration process.  Once complete, you will be asked to visit the Chancellor Livingston Main office or contact Rachel Ranalli at (845) 871-5570 x6571 to make an appointment to finalize paperwork and reserve a 1-hour slot for Kindergarten Screening (which will take place on May 30th, 31st, and June 1st)