Our schools will open for in-person learning on Monday morning.
To support the return to school, the district has been provided free at-home COVID-19 test kits for each student in our schools.
- These kits will be made available for any student whose parents/guardians would like a kit, while supplies last.
- The kits are for at-home screening use and will be distributed tomorrow, Sunday, January 2nd, 2022 at the MS/HS campus - in the bus circle in front of the main entrance between the hours of 1-3 PM.
- A parent/guardian must obtain the test kit for students, if a parent/guardian is not able to pick up a test during that time - written permission to authorize another individual to pickup a test kit, must include the name(s) of the student, the name of the authorized individual, and have a signature or come from the email address of the consenting parent/guardian.
- All kits will be distributed from the one central location at the MS/HS campus, including all kits for CLS students. Families of multiple students will pick up all test kits at one location, at one time.
Testing is not required, but is recommended prior to returning to school. This effort is intended to limit asymptomatic positive cases from coming into the school building - reducing possible spread and exposure/contact tracing. No testing will be conducted by school staff as part of this deployment, we are only distributing test kits for use at home - by families. Instructions on testing will be included with the test kits.
A positive at-home test would require you to inform the school, who will document the result, and refer you to your healthcare provider, and review isolation protocols as it relates to a return to school after a positive test. The district is not requiring notification of any negative test result.
Again, we will open for in-person learning on Monday. Our current operating protocols will remain in place, where possible we will increase distance, and as always we have a supply of triple-ply surgical masks for any student. School Principals will be reminding students about maintaining social distancing, proper and consistent mask wearing, and hand hygiene.
Whether or not you opt to pick up a test kit tomorrow afternoon, I am urging all families to assess students for symptoms and to be reminded of our “Can I Go To School Today?” guide, which is located on the district homepage.
Please be reminded that there have been no changes to reduce quarantines to five days for students in New York State. Any students on quarantine will be advised of relevant options by the school nurse. Fully vaccinated, asymptomatic students are excluded from quarantines, but are recommended to get testing 5 days after the exposure. Unvaccinated students will quarantine for 10 days. Symptomatic students, regardless of vaccination status, should not come to school and follow the guidelines listed on the Can I Go To School Today flowchart on the district website.